About the Friends of Brewster Dog Park
The Friends of Brewster Dog Park, Inc., is a public charity 501(c)(3) non-profit group that is dedicated to assisting the town to build, operate, maintain and provide stewardship for the Brewster Dog Park. Their goal is to provide a safe, year-round, handicapped accessible, beautiful dog park, open to the public free of charge; a place where our community of dogs (and dog people) can play, stretch their legs and socialize with other four-legged friends and people.

History of the Park
In 2013, Brewster dog owners requested a dog park and the Dog Park Development Committee was established. It evaluated a number of potential sites.
The Select Board approved the location in 2017. The dog park would be built on town-owned land conveniently located behind the Police Station at 631 Harwich Road route 124.
The Stanton Foundation awarded Brewster a park design grant, and another grant of up to $225,000 for construction. Additional post construction grants are available to Brewster from the Stanton Foundation.
The Berkshire Design Group created design proposals and community input was provided at public meetings in 2018.
Construction bids received in the Spring and Fall 2019 were deemed too high. Project was re-bid in 2021 at a slightly lower price tag.
At the May 15, 2021 Town Meeting residents voted to approve $185k of Community Preservation Funds for construction costs. Agway of Cape Cod and Nauset Disposal have made significant in kind contributions pledges.
Friends of Brewster Dog Park raised $50k for benches, water fountains, kiosks, signage, a shed, misting fire hydrants, and agility equipment.
Brewster Dog Park opened on May 21, 2022, with a ribbon cutting ceremony.