My name is: Angus (my parents used to raise Black Angus Cows and I look like a mini white cow).
My breed is: Clumber Spaniel
Age: 8
I live in: Brewster
My nickname is: Marshmallow Bulldozer
My hoomans names are: Peter & Susan
My favorite thing about the Brewster Dog Park is: Trotting the perimeter fence and sometimes I referee.
My best friend at the park is: Luna, the Golden Rescue from Turkey.
A fun fact about me: I have a propeller tail
The celebrity I most resemble is: The Pillsbury Doughboy
My favorite toy is: Teddy
Do you have any special talents? At 4 PM I say Rur-Rura-Rurrraaa and get fed.
If (blank) was an Olympic sport, I'd be a gold medalist: Digging holes
If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be: Anything
The naughtiest thing I’ve ever done is: Eating toilet paper off the roll
You can usually find me at the park: Sunday mornings
Would your pup like to be featured in a future newsletter? Drop us a note at friendsofbrewsterdogpark@gmail.com.