My name is: Loki. My parents adopted me wit this name, but it’s very fitting since Loki is the Norse god of mischief.
My breed is: English Bulldog (50%), Beagle (26%), Pug (24%)
Age: I’ll be 6 on February 24!
I live in: Harwich
My nicknames are: Bubby, Stinky, Smooch, Scooby, Peanut
My hoomans are: Alex & Christian
My favorite thing about the Brewster Dog Park is: All the fun smells!
My best friends at the park are: Louie & Sweet Pea
A fun fact about me: I only have 3 legs!
My hoomans say that my most endearing quality is: My determination
My favorite toy is: Anything I can take the stuffing out of. Baby Yoda is my favorite.
Do you have any special talents? Running really fast on 3 legs! (And one time on two when my foot got stuck in the frisbee I was holding)! I’m also really good at puppy dog eyes, and many tricks!
If (blank) was an Olympic sport, I'd be a gold medalist: Having stinky farts
If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be: WHIPPED CREAM
My guilty pleasure is: Waiting until mom and dad are asleep, and going under the covers in between them…and pup cups.
I’m a really good dog, but the naughtiest thing I’ve ever done is: Pulled the Thanksgiving turkey off the counter (after my parents gave me my own plate). I also ran down to the Pizza Shark for a pup cup!
Would your pup like to be featured in a future newsletter? Drop us a note at friendsofbrewsterdogpark@gmail.com.