If you’re in the park frequently, you’ve likely seen Tom Lincoln, often accompanied by his wife (and volunteer steward, Bonnie) and his Brittany, Orrin. Usually wearing a yellow steward vest, Tom can be found blowing the pathways clean, toting a pooper scooper and generally keeping the park sparkling. But he’s much more than a dedicated steward.
Tom has been an advocate for the dog park for more than 12years, and was the third and final Chairman of the Brewster Dog Park Development Committee. Today, as a member of the Friends of Brewster Dog Park Board of Directors, he’s been instrumental in opening what has become a world-class dog park. In addition to his many roles and responsibilities, he spearheads the volunteer program, ensuring that stewards attend to the park nearly every day, keeping it tidy and welcoming for all visitors.
Tom’s interest in community programming comes from a life-long career in youth sports and character development. He spent 25 years as a Camp Director of boys sailing camps -- first at Camp Viking in Orleans, then at Camp Portanimicut in Maine. More recently, he served as the Aquatics Director at the YMCA in Hyannis. He retired from the position in 2007 after 27 years, but still remains active, often officiating swim meets.
Not ready to fully embrace retirement (and not one for idle time!), Tom is currently an Assistant Barnstable Harbor Master, a position he’s held for 15 years. As an avid sailor and lover of the water, he relishes the seasonal position.
Tom lives in Brewster with Bonnie and Orrin. He’s blessed with two children, five grandchildren and four grand-dogs.
And he’d love to talk to you more about the volunteer steward program!
Email Tom to learn more about being a steward!